About Festival

Considering the international position of Iran ,the world handicrafts and also in view of comprehensive support of Isfahan Municipality in the field of development of urban entrepreneurial ecosystem considering the focuse on handicrafts and art in the form of a large plan of Isfahan 2020, the first international festival of Iran handicrafts with the symbol of creative hand was launched by the formation of a policy council consisting of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Isfahan ,Tourism and Handicrafts and Deputy of Handicrafts and Traditional Arts of that ministry ,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,the General Directorate of cultural Heritage of Isfahan ,The Islamic council of The City, Isfahan Municipality  

Online meeting

To enter the meeting, use the login information below

Meeting ID:S 75135744205

Passcode: 123456

برای ورود به نشست از اطلاعات ورود زیر استفاده نمائید

Meeting ID: 75135744205

Passcode: 123456

Festval’s live

Click on image in order to enter the live programs of festival 

Sunday August1 2021
Monday August2 2021
Tuesday August3 2021
Wednesday August4 2021

Iran international handicrafts festival – Creative hand symbol

Festival’s website : Hifestival.ir

Sunday August1 2021

Playing Quran and anthen of Islamic Republic of Iran
Playing video clip of Isfahan
Speach of the Minister of Cultrul , Tourism and handicrafts, Ali Asghar Mounesan

Speach of deputy of handicrafts and traditional arts , Pouya Mahmoodian
playing photoclip of festival from openning to closing 
Playing video clip of Isfahan
Speach of Isfahan governor -general , Abbas Rezaei

Playing video clip
Speach of Isfahan mayor , Ghodratollah Norouzi
Playing video clip
Speach of Isfahan Islamic council chairman , Alireza Nasr
Speach of Rosy Greenlees former president of WCC

Speach of President Of WCC-Asia Pacific Region , ADKHAM IKRAMOV
playing music
Report of festival’s secretary
Speach of Nasir Mellat ,The Secretary of festival and Start of festival 
16:00 – 14:00
17:30 – 19:30 GTM
Festival opening (Online)


Monday 2 August
GMT UTC Tehran Program Speakers
07:30-9:00 07:30-9:00 11:00-12:30

International Lectures 1 

1st  speech – WCC Vice President & Vice President Of East Asia Sub-Region

Video clip

2nd speech – WCC Honorary member & advisor

Video clip

3rd speech – WCC Vice President of South East Asia Sub region (2021-2024) Video clip


1.         Xu Niansha – China


2.              Manjari Nirula – India


3.              Sitthichai Smanchat – Thailand

09:00-11:30 08:00-10:30 12:30-15:00

Iran National Anthem and Quran Recitation

Report of the festival secretary

• Video clip

Traditional Arts and Handicrafts deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts  Pooya Mahmoudian
Handicrafts Deputy Director General of Isfahan   Noorollah Abdollahi
Playing clips from judgment process and winners of Handicrafts Packaging _________
Playing clips from judgment process and winners of Hand-woven Rugs Design   _________
Deputy Mayor  Alireza Sadeghian
Playing clips from judgment process and winners of Cloth Design Using Handicrafts _________
Playing clips from judgment process and winners of Golden HOMA creative works (10 winners) _________
• Live music performance _________
• WCC- World Crafts Council member ?
•  announcement of  5 veteran artisans and Playing video clips on their careers individually _________


Tuesday August3 2021
International speaches 2 (The heads of the six regions of the world handicrafts council)
speaker 1 : 11:00 -11:30 —>14:30 -15:00 GTM
playing video clip
speaker2 : 11:30-12:00 —> 15:00 – 15:30 GTM
playing video clip
speaker3 : 12:00 – 12:30 —> 15:30 – 16:00 GTM
playing video clip
11:00-12:30 —> 14:30 – 15:00 GTM Speaches
Playing Quran and anthen of Islamic Republic of Iran
Isfahan video clip
Report of festival’s secretary
The massage of prof,farshchian
Playing video clip of unveiling handicrafts route and elements
Speach of the Minister of Cultrul , Tourism and handicrafts, Ali Asghar Mounesan
Speach of Isfahan governor -general , Abbas Rezaei
Introduce of handicrafts ambassadors
playing music
Speach of domestic refree (Mr Bekhradi )
Introduce the best of Golden Homa competition (20 person) and playing clip
Speach of the world handicrafts council’s representative (International referee – EDRIC ONG)
Introduce the best of creative hand symbol competition (6 person) and palying video clip of each selected one
playing video clip
13:00-15:30 —> 16:30 – 17:00 Festival’s closing


Wednesday August4 2021
Playing Quran and anthen of Islamic Republic of Iran
Speach of deputy of handicrafts and traditional arts , Pouya Mahmoodian
Speach of Isfahans mayor , Ghodratollah Norouzi
Speach of the world handicrafts council (International speaker)
Speach of the world handicrafts council (International speaker)
The report of Isfahan secretary, the world handicrafts city
Playing video clip
The summit of the world cities mayor (first section)
10:00-11:00 —> 13:30 – 14:30 GTM Opening of the third International summit of the world handicrafts cities mayors
Present of the report of national and inaternational handicrafts cities secretaries and playing video clip (5 cities and domestic vilages )
Playing video clip
Speach of the world handicrafts city’s represetative and playing video clip (international)
Speach of the world handicrafts city’s represetative and playing video clip (international)
Speach of the world handicrafts city’s represetative and playing video clip (international)
Speach of the world handicrafts city’s represetative and playing video clip (international)
11:00-13:00 —> 14:30 – 16:30 GTM The third International summit of the world handicrafts cities mayors
Rest 13:00-14:00 —> 16:30 – 17:30 The third International summit of the world handicrafts cities mayors
The summit of the world handicrafts cuties mayors(second section)
Report presentation of the National and international handicrafts cities secretarues and playing video clip(5 cities and domestic villages)
Playing video clip
Speech of the world handicrafts city’s representative and playing video clip (international)
Speech of the world handicrafts city’s representative and playing video clip (international)
Speech of the world handicrafts city’s representative and playing video clip (international)
Speech of the world handicrafts city’s representative and playing video clip (international)
14:00-16:00 –> 17:30 – 18:30 The third International summit of the world handicrafts cities mayors


The perspective and significance of festival for Isfahan

– The location of the festival, its summits and competitions in the calendar of international festivals of contrary.

– Help to establish the city of Isfahan as a “content production hub” and hold events in the field of handicrafts and applied arts on a national and international scale.

-Help to understand the point which is absolutely the need for investment to expand and also to promote the share of culture in GPD “ Gross Domestic Products” of Isfahan province.

-Help to necessary plans to change Isfahan as one of the planning and policy channels in the area of economy of handicrafts and traditional arts of the country.

-Help to survive international titles of Isfahan such as (The World City of Handicrafts and the Creative City)6-Help to create sustainable ways for artists by using the potential of handicrafts export.

-Help to establish some ways to export handicrafts artists products.

Festival Goals

-help Iranian handicrafts in order to restore based on necessarily of today market .

-Production of knowledge in the range for technologies focused on new handicrafts product and services.

-Help to create an area to support innovative thoughts of cultural entrepreneurs and creative handicrafts artists of country.

-Help to establish the stockholder chain of actors in the field of innovation ,technology, and art economy.

-launch a national dynamic flow to create a positive social process about artists of handicrafts and traditional arts.

-use the management capacity of international journalism and making news and reporter in favore of handicrafts of province.

-Help to create the minimum of an economic field to invest and investability at the field of handicrafts and traditional arts.

-Help to make fixed, static and unchangeable events in promotional branding and marketing areas in handicrafts.

-make the chances for competition and increase motivations for traditional arts activists and craft in order to create elaborate works.

-render and record distinguished art and artist.11-Help to city economic situation of Isfahan by finding ways to rise the share of culture and art in the economy of this city.

-Help to make active and creative hubs in Isfahan with international prospect.

-Help to improve cultural entrepreneurship ecosystem in Isfahan.

-Help to promote international ties and to establish the cultural face of Isfahan city among other cities of the world.

Festival audiences

Artists and producers of magnificent works and prominent and lasting figures of the private sector in the field of handicrafts and arts, investors in the field of arts and crafts, managers of companies and private sector activists, hoteliers, associations related to art and tourism, cultural advisors of target countries And related, charities, cultural entrepreneurs at home and abroad. Provincial and national senior managers, mayors and members of provincial city councils, private sector managers of the Chamber of Commerce, managers of universities and educational and research centers, artists and art professors,
activists of the House of Industry and Mines, members of the Employers’ Association and students. Graduates of arts and crafts, those interested in art and art economics, craftsmen in the field of traditional arts and crafts, those interested in starting cultural businesses in the traditional and modern sector



Alley 43,In front of Shahshahan Tomb,Creative and innovation House, Ibn Sina St, Isfahan,Iran.